




All screenshots are from metalock version 0.7.0, on FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE. Special thanks go to BerliOS (and more recently, Sourceforge) for hosting the images.

Compiled with Imlib2, with XFT, with ultragetopt

A jpg and png photo-based theme

> metalock -t Museum -w 1 -F #0e130f -0 "/usr/scripts/get-screenshot locker"

Imlib2 Photo

A tiled png based theme, borderless

> metalock -t Electric_Aurora -F #100d12 -0 "/usr/scripts/get-screenshot locker"

Imlib2 Photo

The same tiled png based theme, 1 pixel border

> metalock -w 1 -t Electric_Aurora -F #100d12 -0 "/usr/scripts/get-screenshot locker"

Imlib2 Photo

Compiled without Imlib2, with XFT, with ultragetopt

Pixmap (xpm) support using xpm.h, borderless (default theme)

> metalock -1 ~/.scripts/shared/audio-backward-10 -3 ~/.scripts/shared/audio-pause -5 ~/.scripts/shared/audio-forward-10 -0 "/usr/scripts/get-screenshot locker"

Default pixmap theme using xpm

Without pixmap, borderless

> metalock -P -0 "/usr/scripts/get-screenshot locker"

Black bg, White fg borderless

Without pixmap, with 1 pixel outline, dark blue background, light blue foreground

> metalock -w 1 -B #223549 -F #b9cee0 -P -0 "/usr/scripts/get-screenshot locker"

Blue bg, light blue fg

Without pixmap, with 1 pixel outline, white background, medium blue foreground

> metalock -F "#638AAB" -w 1 -B "#FFFFFF" -P -0 "/usr/scripts/get-screenshot locker"

White bg, black fg
